Tuesday, February 9, 2010

American Quarter Horse: The Horse of the Frontier

The American Quarter Horse is a horse dating back to the 1600’s. At this time in America, these horses were mainly of Spanish origin. However, in the late 1880’s cowboys rode quarter horses because they were sturdy, willing, and quick. Their small heads and large muscled bodies were ideal for plowing, riding, and herding cattle. The quarter horse is a cross between Spanish horses, mustangs, and more domesticated breeds in Native American tribes. The quarter horse was irreplaceable even after cars and automobiles were invented because of their keen senses and quick reflexes. They were unofficially one of greater reasons why rodeos were started. Cowboys would have little competitions to see whose horse was better over a quarter mile distance. Over the years this racing has become a great sport. This being said, cattle ranches don’t use any other breed of horse to this day when it comes to reining, cattle herding, and wrangling.

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